Fee Payments reports track fee payments for bank product returns. These reports are great for tracking your fee payment deposits from the RAL bank.

Fee Payments by Payment Date: tracks returns for which fees have been paid by the RAL bank. You may sort this report by IRS DCN, Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, or ACH Payment Date. You may group the report by Site, EFIN, Preparer, or ACH Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.

NO Fee Payment by Ack Date: provides a list of IRS acknowledged returns that have do not had fees deposited by the RAL bank. You may sort this report by IRS DCN, Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, or IRS Ack Date. You may group this report by Site, EFIN, Preparer, or IRS Ack. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.

Fee Payments by Receipt: provides a list of returns which fees have been paid by the RAL bank, including the receipt number. You may sort this report by Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, ACH Payment Date, or Receipt Number. You may group this report by Site, EFIN, Preparer, or ACH Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date and specifying a return type.

NO Fee Payments by Receipt: provides a list of returns which fees have not been paid by the RAL bank, including the receipt number. You may sort this report by IRS DCN, Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, IRS Payment Date, or Receipt Number.

Fee Payments by Site and Date: provides a list of returns which fees have been paid by the RAL bank, including the Site ID and date. You may sort this report by IRS DCN, Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, or ACH Payment Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date and specifying a Site ID.

Non RAL/RAC Fees by Site: provides a list of returns detailing the amount of tax preparation fees charged and the amount that has been collected, including the Site ID. You may sort this report by Site ID or Date Created. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.

RAL Fees by Site: provides a list of returns detailing the amount of RAL fees charged and the amount that has been collected, including the Site ID. You may sort this report by Site ID or Received Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.

RAC Fees by Site: provides a list of returns detailing the amount of RAC fees charged and the amount that has been collected, including the Site ID. You may sort this report by Site ID or Received Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.

OTC Payments by Payment Date: provides a list of returns detailing the amount of tax preparation fees charges and the amount collected, including the payment date. You may sort this report by IRS DCN, Taxpayer SSN, Taxpayer Last Name, or OTC Payment Date. You may group this report by Site, EFIN, Preparer, or Payment Date. Additionally, you may filter your results by specifying a starting and ending date.